Capitalist City – Recap


August 15, 2024


I have added houses were citizens now can move in to depending on some varibels as their education level or if there is a job they are qualified for close by. This have also lead me to implement jobs witch worked for a while but sadly it has broken now 🙁


I have been working a lot with improving performance. The first thing I did to improve performance was reduce the amount of save data as I did save tiles that didint have anything on them meaning they just took up empty space.

I also been working with the rendring of the map a lot and implimented shaders and mulithreading the code where I can to improve the performance where I can. There is a lot more performance optimizations I have done for example I made a new data type that is able to find me a spesific building much faster then I otherwise can. There is a lot of theese small improvments that isent intresting or long enoguth to bring up.


The UI did get an overhaul from the red UI I had before. But I am not happy with that UI so I am going to change it again so it can have a more sleek design and have more information that will be crutical for the player later on in the game


I added time to the game now aswell. It works on an 24h clock where it becomes day and then night again. I have decided not to add winter spring ect to the game yet even tho I do think it chould add great mechanics to the game. Adding time also meant that citizens now have a lifespan. A citizens currently lives 60 days untill it dies. During that time it has 4 stadges. Child, Teen, Adult and elder witch all can have different educations and jobs


Roads have previously been implimented but they only serve the focus to connect building which you really cant see. So the question becomes what are they really used for? They are still going to have the same use but this time it has cars that drives on them. Making them feel more alive. If a fire whould start on a random house a firetruck can be sent by the closest firestation aswell to put out the fire. (Yes I added fire departments)

Boats and Airplanes

Currently I am working on Airplanes and airports as boats are nearly done. All the graphical parts of boats work so it is only to impliment it shipping items. Airplanes are another story. I am struggeling to find a good way to make the player build airports. Airports does consist of a lot of different parts that arent connected toghter so my current plan is allowing the player to select an area designated as airport. Only airport buildings can be there and like this the player can build in there. This requires that I rewrite some earlier code but I am fine with that.